Frequently Asked Questions

  • Acupuncture is a traditional medical practice that originated in ancient China. For thousands of years, people have relied on acupuncture to address a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body known as acupuncture points. These points lie along energy pathways, or meridians, through which vital energy, known as "Qi" (pronounced "chee"), flows. An imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi and blood can lead to various health issues and diseases. By inserting needles into specific acupuncture points tailored to your medical presentation, your acupuncturist aims to restore your body’s natural balance. In other words, acupuncture restores the smooth flow of Qi and blood throughout the body, promoting the body's natural healing process.

  • The sensation experienced during acupuncture can vary from person to person, but generally, acupuncture is not considered painful. In fact, many patients fall asleep or into a deep relaxed state during their treatment and most report feeling calm and energized after an acupuncture treatment. Some patients may feel a brief, mild tingling, warmth, or dull ache at the insertion site or along the meridian pathways. These sensations are often seen as positive signs that the energy flow is being stimulated and rebalanced.

    If you have any specific concerns about discomfort or pain, don't hesitate to communicate with your acupuncturist before or during the session. They can adjust the treatment approach to suit your comfort level and ensure you have a positive experience with acupuncture.

  • From a biomedical standpoint, there are a few commonly accepted theories that explain how acupuncture works.

    First, acupuncture has been shown to produce general effects in the body, such as pain relief, hormonal balance, and behavioral effects. Acupuncture influences the central and autonomic nervous systems by activating nerve fibers that then release neurotransmitters in the brain, such as endorphins, which are the body's natural pain-relieving and mood-enhancing chemicals. It has been shown to influence multiple brain centers, including those that are responsible for our emotional responses. Studies also suggest that acupuncture has anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial in treating many inflammatory conditions.

    Next, local needling around the problematic area is known to stimulate local nerve endings. This signals a release of chemicals that then increases blood flow to the area and promotes healing. The needle also has an effect on fibroblast cells, which leads to expedited tissue and wound healing. In addition, acupuncture causes a release of adenosine locally, directly through tissue injury rather than through nerve stimulation. Low levels of adenosine block nerves and cause local analgesia.

    In many pain management cases, we see the formation of myofascial trigger points, or small areas of muscle hyperactivity that develop either due to injury or over time, and can cause referred pain, motor dysfunction, and other issues.

    Local needling can be used to inactivate these trigger points, restore normal muscle function, and eliminate pain.

    Lastly, according to the gate control theory of pain, acupuncture may stimulate certain nerve fibers that can close the "gates" in the spinal cord, reducing the transmission of pain signals to the brain. This can effectively treat pain coming from structures within the area of the body controlled by that spinal segment, and also normalize the function of organs innervated by the segment, such as the bowels and bladder. In this way, acupuncture can modulate the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for involuntary physiologic processes - the things your body automatically does without your conscious control, like breathing, digesting, regulating your heart rate and maintaining your blood pressure.

    Reference: White, A., Cummings, M., & Filshie, J. (2021). An introduction to western medical acupuncture (2nd ed.). Elsevier.

  • Your acupuncture session at Zones Acupuncture Center will begin with a consultation, where our acupuncturist, Dr. Katie, will take the time to understand your medical history and current symptoms, along with your unique health concerns and goals. Dr. Katie will also conduct a physical exam, which may involve examining your tongue, feeling your pulse, and assessing the flow of energy throughout your body. This information helps tailor the treatment to your individual needs.

    Next, you will recline on a comfortable treatment table, and the acupuncturist will gently insert thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on your body. You may experience a mild sensation during needle insertion, which can range from a slight prick to a dull ache or tingling sensation. Most people find acupuncture to be relatively painless and often relaxing.

    After inserting the needles, the acupuncturist will leave them in place for 15 to 45 minutes while you relax and lie still. In some cases, Dr. Katie may use additional techniques such as cupping, moxibustion (burning of dried herbs), or electrical stimulation on the needles to further enhance the treatment.

    After the treatment, Dr. Katie may offer recommendations for post-treatment care, such as avoiding certain activities or foods, staying hydrated, or engaging in gentle exercises. Depending on your condition, you may need multiple acupuncture sessions over a period of time to achieve the desired results. The number and frequency of sessions will be discussed with you based on your progress.

  • Yes! Acupuncture is considered safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac). As a time-tested practice within traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to promote natural healing and improve overall well-being.

    At Zones Acupuncture Center, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We take great care in using sterile, single-use needles and following Clean Needle Technique (CNT) guidelines to prevent infections and ensure a safe treatment environment. Dr. Katie is a skilled, licensed acupuncturist, has undergone extensive training, and holds the necessary credentials to deliver acupuncture treatments effectively and safely.

    Serious complications from acupuncture are extremely rare when performed by a trained professional. In some cases, mild bruising or soreness at the needle insertion sites may occur, but these effects are typically temporary and mild.

    We encourage our patients to openly discuss their health concerns and medical history with our acupuncturist before starting treatment. This allows us to tailor the treatment plan to each individual's specific needs and consider any potential contraindications.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the safety of acupuncture or its suitability for your condition, we are here to address them and provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions about your health.

  • Preparing for your acupuncture appointment can help ensure a smooth and positive experience. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your session:

    1. If this is your first appointment, complete the online intake form ahead of time. This will provide your therapist important information and help you get the most out of your treatment.

    2. Choose loose-fitting and comfortable clothing that can easily be rolled up to the elbows and knees. Or, if you prefer, we will happily provide you with a medical gown.

    3. Eat lightly before your appointment. Avoid eating a heavy meal right before your appointment, but don’t arrive on an empty stomach either. We want your body to have the fuel to receive and process the benefits of your treatment, but not to focus all its energy on digestion.

    4. Stay hydrated. Proper hydration helps improve the flow of Qi in your body, which enhances the effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment.

    5. Communicate openly! Tell your acupuncturist about your health concerns, expectations, and any fears or reservations you may have about the treatment. Questions and feedback are encouraged at any time.

  • At Zones Acupuncture Center, we are committed to providing a serene and supportive environment where you can feel comfortable throughout your acupuncture journey. Dr. Katie is a highly trained acupuncturist, and her focus will be dedicated exclusively to you while administering your treatment, ensuring the highest level of care and safety. We prioritize your well-being and strive to help you achieve lasting improvements in your health and quality of life.

  • Facial acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture, aesthetic acupuncture, or facial rejuvenation, is a specialized form of acupuncture that focuses on improving the appearance and health of the face. It is a non-invasive and holistic approach to skincare that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine.

    During a facial acupuncture treatment, fine needles are gently inserted into specific points on the face, as well as other areas of the body. These acupuncture points are chosen to address various concerns related to the skin's health, such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture, increasing collagen production, and promoting overall facial rejuvenation.

    The needles used in facial acupuncture are typically thinner than those used for general acupuncture, and they are strategically placed to target specific areas of concern. The process stimulates circulation, encourages lymphatic drainage, and promotes the body's natural healing response to enhance the skin's vitality and appearance.

    Facial acupuncture treatments may also include other techniques, such as facial massage, gua sha (a traditional Chinese technique using a smooth-edged tool to massage the skin), and the application of natural oils or herbal formulations to nourish the skin.

    Some potential benefits of facial acupuncture include:

    1. Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

    2. Improvement in skin elasticity and firmness

    3. Even skin tone and texture

    4. Reduction of puffiness and dark circles around the eyes

    5. Promoting a healthy glow and radiance to the skin

    6. Relaxation and stress reduction

    Facial acupuncture is a gradual process, and multiple sessions are usually recommended for optimal results. The number of sessions required varies depending on individual goals and the condition of the skin.

    Facial acupuncture offers a natural and holistic approach to facial rejuvenation, aiming to enhance the skin's health and appearance from within.